All the Different Types of Rubber Moulding Methods

Rubber moulding produces commercially usable rubber and latex products. The Manufacturer of Industrial Rubber Products in India has Rubber products made of elastomers that can take its original shape under pressure. At times, the rubber is combined with other materials to get a more rigid, UV resistant, and flexible product. Rubber moulding has shaped today’s world more safely and reliably.

Manufacturer of Industrial Rubber Hoses in India

There are three different types of moulding involved in rubber product manufacturing.

  1. Compression Moulding

It is the simplest and oldest process, among others. It starts when you place a rubber sheet inside a mould. The two parts of the mould are then pressed to the rubber sheet and the rubber takes the mould’s shape. The final rubber product produces some defect in forms for which one can follow other methods.

  1. Injection Moulding

In Injection Moulding, the rubber gets the most exact shape comparing to the compression moulding. Here, the rubber is heated to a consistency similar to toothpaste. The molten rubber is injected into the mould and left to harden. The product rubber becomes very strong and durable. It retains the exact shape until further melt.

  1. Transfer Moulding

The mixture between Compression Moulding and Injection Moulding is the Transfer Moulding. Here, a large rubber chunk is placed into a potting vessel. With the help of a machine, the piece is forced into the mould. Thus, the rubber takes a new shape. The rubber that is made with the Transfer Moulding process is of higher quality in comparison to the rubbers made of other methods.

If you are keen to buy a range of rubber products in India, contact one of the leading Manufacturer of Industrial Rubber Products in India, Ab Elasto. They are a popular name when it comes to quality rubber products. Their manufacturing is done through a variety of quality control tests, ensuring as a customer, you get only the best of the batch.